Statement Regarding Royalties, Trademarks and Selling Lee’s Introductions
A note regarding the Goldenrod Gardens ‘Lee’s’ introductions…
After quite a bit of consideration....
I am not asking for royalties. I will not ask for royalties on any dahlia I have introduced in the past or will for this upcoming sales season. In the future, if I decide to trademark any introductions, they will be specific new introductions and will not retrograde to any past introductions.
Although I cannot and do not want to police any growers' decisions about how they choose to handle Lee's varieties being propagated and sold, I kindly ask the following:
-grow the variety for a full season before selling (why wouldn't you?)
-keep the entire name of the variety in tact
-do not sell them out of the USA
-maintain strong sanitation measures throughout the process of growing, harvesting the flowers, taking cuttings and processing the tubers
-don't undercut me on pricing. Brand new introductions are priced accordingly but I generally lower the price each consecutive year in the following three years.
-take your own photos!